I guess I could have picked up the phone and talked to her through the intercom (fancy Japanese door-answering technology! Some homes even have a video screen where you can see the visitor). But that's so strange to me that I never think I can really do it.
I'm also a little annoyed because we had a Japanese test on Tuesday and got them back yesterday, and I didn't do very well. In my defense, neither did many other people in the class, since no one knew what to expect (we weren't told what would be on it, just that we'd have a test) and they graded it pretty harshly. Then also, we switched teachers, so now instead of the three teachers, our class has one (and one of the old three on Thursdays), and she's the most irritating one. She does that thing where she talks to us like we're children, way too happy and smiley, and I hate when teachers do that. I want my old teachers back!!! I hate this switching around thing. The whole point of a class is to build up a good relationship with your teacher. Even though we had three, I still liked all of them. Now we only have one and I don't like her at all. This does not bode well. We'll switch again in another couple of weeks but I still don't like how they're doing this.
I also ate a Pokemon-themed bread thing yesterday. It was a curry bread, so inside it was flavored like curry. Which, I like curry, but not inside the middle of bread, that was weird. I got it because it was the Vulpix bread (each bread had a different Pokemon on it) and that was my favorite Pokemon. Inside is a little sticker thing of another Pokemon that I'm going to give to Bekah. I wish I could mail her some Pokemon bread but it would definitely have gone bad by the time it got to her. Oh well.
My nose is still stuffy (I think I've lost the ability to smell) and my throat hurts from time to time. Hyung-Hye is convinced I need to go to the doctor and she says if I'm not completely better by next week, we're going. I just don't understand, because I feel fine overall, what's with these persistent symptoms?
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